We Move the Weird, the Large, and the Unusual #2 - Video

Berea Moving "movers of the weird!" From Telecommunications Equipment, to Medical Devices, to Pews and Statues for churches...we love our work!! Other movers call us when they are unable to move the weird, the large, and the unusual. We have been moving the weird worldwide for nearly 60 years!

Transcript of the video:

Good Morning! My name is Lisa Holly, and I am the president at Berea Moving & Storage company.

We are a company that has been around for 60 years, but most importantly, we are a company that is known for the weird, the large, and the unusual.

What does that mean? That means telecommunications equipment, that means medical devices, that means hotels.

We love putting together hotels. That means large coolers and restaurant equipment, it means pews and statues within a church. We’ve been know to do this for moving companies, we’ve been know to be referred by moving companies, again, serving the Cleveland area and around the world for the weird, the large, and the unusual.

So if you happen to have something that fits that bill, please feel free to reach out to me.

Again, I am Lisa Holly and I look forward to seeing you again soon.